MINT TO BE | Monday make-over

Hi lovelies, today I'm bringing to you this makeup look that I've done on my sister, actually is pretty spring like and really particular I think.
I've used a really beautiful shadow from NYX (the color Mermaid) it's that super cool shade on the centre of the halo eye.
I really hope you will find some inspiration for your upcoming spring looks !!
Eccomi qui per un'altro lunedì con un make-over su mia sorella, ho realizzato questo trucco luminoso e molto primaverile, utilizzando un bellissimo ombretto NYX (Mermaid) nel centro dell'halo eye.
Spero vi possa ispirare ad usare più colori per questa primavera ormai alle porte :)
- Studio Fix Fluid foundation NC15 by MAC
- Fit Me n 15 By Maybelline
- Fix&Mat translucent powder by Wycon
- Contour kit by Morphe
- 208 shadow by Kiko (as highlight !! yeah I know it's a shadow but it's amazing :) ... you don't believe me ? then check out my last post about highlighters here)
- Soft & Gentle mineralized skin finish by MAC (yes another highlighter on top .. I know I'm extra)
- Fix+ by MAC (sprayed all over to take off the cake feeling and make powders sit nicely on the skin)
- Soft Ochre paint pot by MAC
- Caramel by Nabla (transition)
- Matt Rosen and Matt Garcia from the Meet Matte Nude palette by The Balm (crease)
- Jumbo pencil in Milk by NYX (as a base for the mint shadow)
- Mermaid shadow by NYX (on top of the base)
- Black gel liner by Maybelline
- Black liquid liner by NYC
- Iconic lashes from House of Lashes
- Stripdown lip liner from MAC
- Madeleine butter gloss from NYX
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